Thursday, 28 February 2013

The 'mercilessly stereotyped'.

'Be eating one potato, peeling a second,have the third in your fist and your eye on the fourth'
- this is traditional advice from and to any Irish readers!

I myself am Irish, I don't know if I mentioned that before. In wexford, we have this replica of a famine ship called the 'Dunbrody'. The ship has a museum and there's a wall with this quote tacked to it.

This leads me on to say that it's an Irish stereotype, us eating potatoes, a true one, but a stereotype none the less.

These days stereotypes are frowned on. So I thought I'd dedicate this post to anyone Irish, purely or by marriage, whatever.

More Irish stereotypes:
•All Irish people have red hair. Not true, only a small percentage of us have red hair, maybe one in ten. I'm a brunette.;)
•all Irish people have curly hair. Not true, of course, but almost everybody that lives along the coastline does, because of the moisture and salt in the air. I have curly hair-Yay!
•all Irish people have green or blue eyes. Not true, I have blue eyes, but only because it's a gene not because of where I was born.
•the Irish love a fight. Not true, if you see a person fighting that does not give you the right to deem their nation violent. Of course the Irish have fought with the English for ages, for Freedom. We're not the ones with Independence Day, yet we're the ones labelled violent. ???
•the Irish love a drink. Well yeah, this is the home of Guinness after all. People turned to drink during the recession but that time is over! Anyway, not all Swiss people like chocolate, not all Americans like burgers, not all English people like tea, a lot of them seem to, but not all of them. See the difference?
•the Irish are stupid. The irish are stupid? Okay we, the inventors of:
1. The ogham alphabet
2. Boyle's law
3.chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk. Invented by Sir Hans Sloane.
4. The Beaufort scale
5. Hurling. Iomaniocht.
6. The idea of boycotts
7. Tattoo machines
8. The Joly colour screen
9. The first military submarine
10. Radiotherapy
11. And the titanic. Yes, it sunk- but thats because it hit an iceberg, not because we built it wrong!
...are stupid? Hmmm. No.

•the Irish love swearing. Not true. Loads of Irish people say feck. Which is not a swear. Old ladies say feck, children of ten and up can be heard saying feck. It's as harmful a word as 'stupid'. Although there is 'that bunch' who go around drunkenly swearing their days away.

These are the the stereotypes that are forced cruelly in the Irish people and that bother me. I got these on a website called You can check it out if you want, but I advise you not to. What they have written is rude and biased. Whatever an Irish person did to that writer it surely wasn't bad enough to make them write that. person who wrote that text, shame on you! Please comment if you agree. By the way, I'm uploading this so late because A, my ipod is stupid and keeps loosing what I write and save as drafts and B, after a while of frustratingly writing this post over and over again, I though I might get a comment from somebody who was waiting for my next post. Nobody was waiting.:(

Next post soon, I cant give a date, sorry. It just doesn't work with my stupid iPod.

Again, may doors fall from the sky onto that writer!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

No A's for Poetry

So, I didn't post the date that this would be updated on because, I'm fairly sure I said February and the only day in February that's appropriate for an entertaining post I spent the last week working on, is... The twenty-eighth! It's such a cool day! It happens every year and it has absolutely no significant importance! But I'm sure it's somebody's birthday, anniversary, etc. So happy birthday, anniversary etc! and if you really think about it, the 28th February 2013, it'll never ever happen again :( so treasure it and every other day too! There'll never be another one the exact same.


Back to the topic we're here to discuss-
An A-plus... Not a hard thing to accomplish if you put enough work into it.

Everyone has ups and downs in their daily lives that can effect them during exams, a cold, the death of a pet, being tired, thinking about *ahem*, certain people.

But when you just can't top a B- in a subject it can pull you down altogether.

This subject for me is English.

Imagine having a major exam Monday morning, but spending your whole weekend studying stupid english in an attempt to pull up your grade or soften a teacher's cold, disapproving, disappointed glares.

This is exactly how I spent my weekend- poetry for me is just something I can't do.

In fairness who really cares why the writer gave the word 'Gentle' a capital letter. It may be symbolic, but I'm never going to use this piece of information again unless I go on to teach poetry (which I won't). But for the people who do go on to lecture the brains out of innocent people, they will just be teaching more people, who will disregard the information. The only exception to this being those who appreciate good poetry and the symbolic-complicated-ness of the whole thing. This is most people other than me really.

So, to my utter astonishment after receiving and delivering an extremely interesting assignment, I got an utter astonishing surprise!

Assignment: 'Describe with detail to your senses, a beloved childhood memory.'

When the teacher handed me back my sheet of paper saying
"Congratulations, Ellie! That was absolutely incredible, I could see your baby!" He said! To which my friend replied: "why the hell did you not tell me you were a mother?! Who's is it? When did happen? Wait, how did it happen? You're only __" <-- (insert my unknown age there! Heehee).

This caused quite the number of heads to turn. If you had been there, you probably would have too, it was really loud and awkward!

Of course the man couldn't actually see my baby, I don't have one. The childhood memory I described was going to see my baby sister in the hospital when she was born, when I was four.

So now I have learned my lesson. You can't be good at all the things that spin around in the orbit of the English world.

Just one thing is enough. And I hope you, my reading friend, don't mind reading about my strange stories, maybe and hopefully you find them amusing?

Any stories of your own? Comment them! This is my third post, almost a hundred page views, but no comments:(

Do you people not want to talk about struggles with grades you have?

Oh, well, your loss! I'll just go annoy someone else! I'll see you again soon, the 6th of march, we'll say?

Come back to see what ever my brain vomits and calls a post then!

I mean, why not? ;)

Monday, 18 February 2013

STS- Stupid Talk Syndrome

Hi! Here's my second post, I got over 50 page views on the first one but nobody commented! :( Maybe I'll get a few for this one?

STS (completely fictional) is a disease that effects a whole 10 of people! STS-Together, is a charity (that I made up) that is close to my heart as they have helped me and the nine other 'diagnosees'. Any donations would be very much appreciated! On behalf of STS-Together
I have conjured up a little advertisement! Please read on, and comment at the end! Enjoy:


Have you found yourself laughing out loud for no real reason lately? During class or an important meeting? During a tense or serious moment? In the middle of a boring conversation? On your own in public? (Can also be a symptom of psychological issues)

Have you been catching yourself tripping on your words? Stumbling through sentences? Mixing up letters, like, "Excuse me, do you tave the hime?" Instead of 'have the time?'? Have you been drifting off into galactic alien languages? Like, when reading aloud: "Once upon a time there lived a beautiful boosheeladooguldereburytopholoipicusadingeralserprincess"?

Yes? Well then you may be suffering from STS - Stupid Talk Syndrome! Along with me and another nine people across the globe!

Causes of STS: stupid friends, one of mine recently told me she had a severe allergic reaction to poison; I caused her to die-_-
: consuming too many toxins, such as big brother foot or baby diarrhoea odours.
: not enough farting, this can also lead to blurry vision, headaches, dirty-minded-ness and in some cases-nausea, it depends on the food previously eaten. For example, holding in beans makes more problems than holding in water. I mean what harm is a little puddly?

A cure I hear two, maybe three of you bellow for? No, there isn't but the effect, eventual death, can be slowed down easily by drinking untreated water. This can be found in the drinks aisle of your local Tesco. Warning: this product is known to contain twigs, plastic bags, shopping trollies, horse meat posing as beef and corpses.

Side effects of drinking untreated water:
1. Violent puking
2. Ninja skills
3. Pregnancy
4. Crawling skin
5. Death, again
6. And, uncontrollable hiccups

*beware: there's a possibility this had not been tested on humans yet, certain scientists are currently under questioning.

Have you noticed the symptoms on your persona, or the persona of another persone? Then please call Dave, the mean scientist who will hold you in a cage in his lab and poke you and experiment on your condition against your will @
1800 1850 2422 0887 5663 112

ellietheblogger cannot be held responsible for thick people who take this seriously and actually drink untreated water!

Well? Does it deserve a comment? I hope it does!:) next update = the __ (of February)!!!! Come back then to read the new post! I mean, why not?;)

Monday, 11 February 2013

The Interview

So, here it is... God, this is scary! How do other people do this? You, the person reading this, have you thought about it? Thought about how I'm here on my bed and you're there, wherever you are, reading this thing that I wrote? It's an amazing thing, the internet. Like how weird would it be if you were all sent this on paper in the post? Do people do that? Send blogs in the post?
Anyway, for my first post I wanted to do something different- I've asked my friend, Chris, to interview me about my blog via email and this is how it went down, enjoy!

CHRIS: right, first question, who are you?

ME(ELLIE): I'm me, duh! But to answer the question like the super interviewee I am; I am still me!

CHRIS: Oh god, this is going to take a while! Answer the goddamn question!

ME: right, my name is Ellie, only it's not my real name, its just a fake one to use for internet safety and that stuff. Get it? Im me but I'm fake, but not like barbie! Like the way I'm more comfortable with my real name hidden, I want to stay anonymous.

CHRIS: cool, but why do you want to be anonymous?

ME: I guess because I'm scared to fail, if this is just a lame page that nobody ends up reading at least the failure wont be under my name. I also don't want to be judged, again, if people don't like my blog and I end up getting teased... Actually that can't happen now, can it? Because it's not me! Catch my drift?

CHRIS: you never fail to give me headaches ...*the following has been censored* question! Where do you get ideas for your blog posts?

ME: I think this is really sweet really, when I was little, I used to spend a lot of time at my granny's house. She used to have this book thing that she would scrapbook her days in. Not major things, as she was old and immobile. But small things like passages from books and song lyrics and there was even a christmas card i gave her once stuck into it. I loved the idea of her book so much that I made my own book and the book entries are what my blog posts will be based on. They range from jokes and funny dreams I've had to lists and advice from my own personal experiences. There are surprisingly alot of experiences written down there considering my young age- not young like 26 year olds who THINK they're young- no I'm still in school, and i know that'll turn half of you away, like come on, why take advice from someone who hasnt lived yet? You ageist people! Well yeah, there's only that side, but I think I know what I'm talking about here. Oh my god, look at my babbling.

CHRIS: well that was touching...and long! Yawn!

ME: oh shut up! You know you love to listen to me prattle!

CHRIS: prattle?

ME: yeah, you know, it means to waffle...

CHRIS: ...

ME: your pathetic, you do honours english, yeah? Just ask the next question!

CHRIS: don't insult my english! Mine english are great! Haha! So, do you relate to your posts?

ME: yes, everything I write is something I've personally experienced or sonething i read or saw and have opinions on. Posts dont have a set day to be uploaded on but there will be a notice about the next upload at the bottom of every post. Is that confusing? Did you get that?

CHRIS: yeah details of next post at the end of latest post? Pretty understandable, next question: who inspired you to write a blog?

ME: not a who but a what. My computer wont let me read other blogs; its write your own one or look at a blank screen. This annoyed me, people who's blogs I could see, I didn't like. (If anyone reading this has a blog feel free to email me the link, my email address is down at the bottom;))

CHRIS: cheeky that was! Cheeky! Anyway, enough about you, I'm hungry be back soon


CHRIS: hey

ME: oh my god you left me! You stupid boy! Only ever thinking about your belly- one day I'm going to be in a life threatening situation and you won't be able to save me because you'll be somewhere else getting food!

CHRIS: well, you're still alive now, so... What's your point?

ME: *censored*

CHRIS: hey hey I'll make it up to you, I'll come to your house tomorrow and I'll bring you stuff:)

ME: stuff?

CHRIS: well I presume you want oreos and sugary bootlaces?

ME: oh hell yeah, I forgive you!:)

CHRIS: I knew you would, back to the interview, is writing a major hobby of yours?

ME: no, I'm more of a sciency person! Burning magnesium in pure oxygen was just the coolest thing I have ever done!

CHRIS: okay anyone who didn't understand or doesnt care can just ignore her the way I always do.

ME: hey! You can bring me a dvd to watch tomorrow too now!:p

CHRIS: yes, your majesty!

ME: oh shut up! Next question?

CHRIS: would you consider writing as a career?

ME: not really, unless an oppertunity blossomed, I'd like to study chemistry. Im sciency and this is just an experiment! Oh thats good!! Thats good!:)

CHRIS: your fail at comedy almost made me die of embarrassment:')

ME: oh give me a break, it's mid term! My brain is switched off!

CHRIS: so what? You have like permanent mid term?

ME: oh! You did not!

CHRIS: moving on swiftly, are you more of a reader or a writer?

ME: definitely a reader! I have a post on books planned for another day though!

CHRIS: suit yourself...favourite blog?

ME: like I said before, dont read them. (Please leave links below if you want me to read yours, if you have one!) I prefer sorta shorter things like quick posts on instagram and stuff( follow me: links at the end)

CHRIS: do you have a favourite author then, like of books?

ME: what can you be an author of other than books?

CHRIS: plays, sitcoms, I think?

ME: it was supposed to... Never mind... I like Cassandra Clare( The Mortal Instruments), J.K Rowling( Harry Potter), and Derek Landy(Skulduggery Pleasant) on watt pad my favourite writer is makeandoffer ( her stories are amazing and her link is at the end too)

CHRIS: ah Derek Landy, nice choice! Kingdom of the Wicked- murderous fantasy in the funniest form I've ever seen it in!

ME:haha yeah, how cool would it be if he read this?

CHRIS: amazingly cool! As cool as you would be if you stopped getting off topic!

ME: right sorry- wait you're the one with the questions-ask them! And are there many left? This is tiring!

CHRIS: yeah I'm sure you're tired! I have you to deal with!

ME: yeah well I have me to deal with every day!

CHRIS: that's quite mad...

ME: do you wanna just ignore that and ...yeah...

CHRIS: yeah... Favourite quote?

ME: defo 'shoot all the bluejays you want if you can hit 'em but remember its a sin to kill a mocking' from To Kill A Mockingbird'. Innocent people should not be persecuted! Innocent until priven guilty, I say. And then if found guilty... I don't know...the guillotine? Another one: 'shadowhunters; looking better in black than the widows of their enemies since 1234' that cracks me up!

CHRIS: shadowhuntes?

ME: just read the book, Chris, read the book!(The Mortal Instruments)

CHRIS: right... Do you have any other hobbies?

ME: yes, I'm into photography(my Instagram at the end) and music! I could PRATTLE for ages about that, so I wont start:(

CHRIS: aww, you sad? Well stay like that, spare us your WAFFLING! Haha!:)

ME: you're evil!

CHRIS: I am! Okay, if you had a time machine, where would you go?

ME: that's actually a really good question! Where'd you get that one from?

CHRIS: There was a Back to the Future ad on the tv?

ME: anyway, ever since seeing little house on the prairie I've always wanted to go to the time of Laura Ingles. I don't know why but that time in history really fascinates me and being european I've always wanted to go to America so...

CHRIS: cool, but I'd have to go to London in the time of sherlock...

ME: you know he's fictional right?

CHRIS: yeah but... Don't be a dream killer!

ME: :)

CHRIS: yeah, you smile:)

ME: :)

CHRIS: what role do you play in you group of friends?

ME: I think I play an important role- the glue, I know it's cheesy but I'm not one to fight or fall out with people so I help that way and I did solve that problem from before, remember?

CHRIS: yeah, I do! That was brave, but thats not for here or now:(

ME: yeah, in a future post maybe:(

CHRIS: on a completely serious note, what is your favourite tongue twister?

ME: oh that's easy! How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Except it's not as impressive when it's written down:)

CHRIS: you okay now? And no, absolutely not impressive!;)

ME: why do I have the feeling that you don't have any questions left?

CHRIS: because I'm running out and you know me too well!:( haha:) describe your memory?

ME: oh that's really bad! I don't even know if I have one! Once, I went to school with no socks! And another time I forgot it was a Saturday and i got dressed in my school uniform and was about to go outside for the bus when my mam got up and stopped me! Im such a fail but its more nicely addressed as absent minded! Like, I remember the most stupid things! I remember my first fireworks but I don't remember the actual fire works I just remember asking my dad for a drink while blinding lights blinked in the corner of my eye?

CHRIS: thats a very detailed answer there! Good thing the next one is whats your favourite tongue?

ME: hmmm I'm going to have to say, and it was a very hard decision now, but MY OWN???!

CHRIS: you know I meant a language-_-

ME: then Irish, I remember once when we were on holiday in france going around telling people to ' DĂșn suas' ( shut up) and the French were just standing there saying 'bonjour' back! Ahaha!:)

CHRIS: you're going to end up telling that to someone who speaks Irish eventually! Then you'll be in for it! Alright try not to laugh when I ask this next question: what is your favourite kitchen utensil?

ME: for some reason i didn't laugh? But... I like sporks^_^

CHRIS: does that count as a utensil?

ME: I don't know, it should because other wise I wont have a favourite anymore! How good are sporks? You've got all that greatness of a fork in the convenient shape of a spoon!!:)

CHRIS: are you high?

ME: well kinda, my bed is a pretty big one so yeah I'm about a metre high from the floor...

CHRIS: if I were near you I would back away slowly now!:) last question: rate me out of ten as an interviewer?

ME: 1, but I can bump you up for a fiver tomorrow?

CHRIS: sure

ME: right, nine

CHRIS: why nine?

ME: because you were terrible and no amount of bribing can get you any better than that:)

CHRIS: for that you get an extra question- pick two celebrities to be your parents for a day?

ME: my mind went blank, I dont remember any celebs!

*the conversation went on for a bit but I don't think the rest was relevant- heck, I don't think half of that was relevant but there it is!*


Thank you for reading- if you got this far, that is!
If you enjoyed it show it by commenting and telling me what you think! Also, comment who you'd like to be your celebrity parents!
Ok, i actually font know how to do yhis so just search for the names!
And Chris says hi!
Next post will be next Tuesday (the 19th)