Thursday, 28 February 2013

The 'mercilessly stereotyped'.

'Be eating one potato, peeling a second,have the third in your fist and your eye on the fourth'
- this is traditional advice from and to any Irish readers!

I myself am Irish, I don't know if I mentioned that before. In wexford, we have this replica of a famine ship called the 'Dunbrody'. The ship has a museum and there's a wall with this quote tacked to it.

This leads me on to say that it's an Irish stereotype, us eating potatoes, a true one, but a stereotype none the less.

These days stereotypes are frowned on. So I thought I'd dedicate this post to anyone Irish, purely or by marriage, whatever.

More Irish stereotypes:
•All Irish people have red hair. Not true, only a small percentage of us have red hair, maybe one in ten. I'm a brunette.;)
•all Irish people have curly hair. Not true, of course, but almost everybody that lives along the coastline does, because of the moisture and salt in the air. I have curly hair-Yay!
•all Irish people have green or blue eyes. Not true, I have blue eyes, but only because it's a gene not because of where I was born.
•the Irish love a fight. Not true, if you see a person fighting that does not give you the right to deem their nation violent. Of course the Irish have fought with the English for ages, for Freedom. We're not the ones with Independence Day, yet we're the ones labelled violent. ???
•the Irish love a drink. Well yeah, this is the home of Guinness after all. People turned to drink during the recession but that time is over! Anyway, not all Swiss people like chocolate, not all Americans like burgers, not all English people like tea, a lot of them seem to, but not all of them. See the difference?
•the Irish are stupid. The irish are stupid? Okay we, the inventors of:
1. The ogham alphabet
2. Boyle's law
3.chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk. Invented by Sir Hans Sloane.
4. The Beaufort scale
5. Hurling. Iomaniocht.
6. The idea of boycotts
7. Tattoo machines
8. The Joly colour screen
9. The first military submarine
10. Radiotherapy
11. And the titanic. Yes, it sunk- but thats because it hit an iceberg, not because we built it wrong!
...are stupid? Hmmm. No.

•the Irish love swearing. Not true. Loads of Irish people say feck. Which is not a swear. Old ladies say feck, children of ten and up can be heard saying feck. It's as harmful a word as 'stupid'. Although there is 'that bunch' who go around drunkenly swearing their days away.

These are the the stereotypes that are forced cruelly in the Irish people and that bother me. I got these on a website called You can check it out if you want, but I advise you not to. What they have written is rude and biased. Whatever an Irish person did to that writer it surely wasn't bad enough to make them write that. person who wrote that text, shame on you! Please comment if you agree. By the way, I'm uploading this so late because A, my ipod is stupid and keeps loosing what I write and save as drafts and B, after a while of frustratingly writing this post over and over again, I though I might get a comment from somebody who was waiting for my next post. Nobody was waiting.:(

Next post soon, I cant give a date, sorry. It just doesn't work with my stupid iPod.

Again, may doors fall from the sky onto that writer!

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